Wednesday, November 25, 2009

A Philosophy Blog?

This is my first attempt at a blog, but I thought it would be worth making one as it would provide a place for me to write down all of my random thoughts and musings about philosophy topics and, hopefully, further sort through them. My current academic interests are metaphysics, especially emergentism, Plato, and aesthetics. That being said, I often find myself discussing other branches of philosophy over coffee with friends; this is the place I plan to use to sort through those kinds of stray thoughts. I have just finished a paper on Plato's 'Lysis' and plan to comment on that in the near future.
My final thought for my introductory blog post has to do with the name of this blog, 'Philosophy From Room 312.' Most of my philosophy classes at Belmont University are held in Fidelity Hall, Room 312. Over the past 3 1/2 years I have begun to closely relate the idea of challenging and productive intellectual philosophical discussion with Room 312 (although, in reality, it has nothing to do with the room and everything to do with my brilliant professors and peers). I'm currently applying to graduate schools in order to pursue, eventually, a Ph.D. in philosophy. I know, though, that this department will always hold a special place in my heart; I couldn't ask for a better education (in the fullest sense of the word) than Belmont's philosophy department has given me. This is why I chose this name for my blog.

(As a side note, anything I write in this blog does not actually come from room 312 and, like all those television networks say before they air a program, it does not necessarily express the opinions of my peers or my department. Obviously.)